Foreclosure Looming?
Whether a mortgage default or delinquent taxes, facing a home foreclosure is one of the biggest stressors an adult may face in their lifetime, according to Mental Health Experts.
Life happens. We make mistakes, bad decisions, circumstances happen out of our control, etc. Avoidance is usually the first response to the crisis building.
Have you stopped opening the mail? Let calls go straight to voicemail? Even avoid listening to the messages? Maybe you've even moved out during the night to "avoid" the problem and neighbor's inquiries.
Whether you have no equity and your mortgage is upside down, or you inherited the home free and clear but forgot about the taxes and they've grown to an obscene amount, you're not alone. We can help!
Are you wanting to stay in the house? Are wanting to start over but need some money? Are you needing to restore your once good credit standing? There are many options depending on your unique situation and your goals.
We can help you! Call today and tell us your story!
Life Change?
Divorce? Job loss or change? Loss of a loved one? Things happen outside of our control that can bring our life to a screeching halt or propel us in a different direction, never to be the same again.
When you have real estate that you can no longer manage alone or need relief from, we can help. Sometimes selling make the most sense and sometimes staying in the home is the most viable solution. Your journey is unique and so are the ways we can help solve it.
Call today and tell us your story!
Tired Landlord?
It's starts off exciting. Supplemental income or part of the retirement plan. Along the way, things start going sideways. Economic conditions, a major repair, lots of little repairs, late rent, evictions, bad tenants, etc. The fun is gone and second-guessing this choice has you awake at night. Sound familiar?
You're not alone. We get it!
There are many ways to give you your peace of mind back and freedom back into your finances, depending on your unique situation.
Call us today!
Tell us your story.
Inherited Property?
It's hard enough to lose someone you love.
If you have inherited a home you do not want to keep, it can be overwhelming to clean out, sort through and make the necessary repairs to sell. It's time consuming and a lot of work.
Often too, the home has to be sold to satisfy creditors when it's going through probate, the legal process of passing the estate to it's heirs.
More than one heir? You want to sell and put this behind you but the other heir does not? We've handled this one too.
You're not alone. We have many ways to solve this problem as well, depending on your unique situation.
We can help.
Call us today!
Tell us your story.